Monday, January 12, 2009

Benshop is displaying attention seeking behaviour

Mr. Mark Benschop was arrested at Blairmont for obstruction of traffic and was subsequently released. According to reports he had been charged and would have to appear in court. In addition, the police at Blairmont while they allowed Benschop to go, impounded his vehicle.

Benschop was detained while traveling back to the city for what he described as his non-refusal to pay an exorbitant fee to cross the Berbice Bridge. Haha haha Hahaha gosh man like he like freeness or he think people with political affiliations get to joy ride the bridge for free.

But reports are that Benschop left his vehicle parked in an area close to the bridge where there is a flow of vehicular traffic. This was reportedly after he refused to pay the toll and subsequently boarded another vehicle.

Okay according to reports the story goes like this - Benschop arrived at the bridge’s toll booth some time between 8.30 and 8.45 am and he was informed that the toll for his vehicle was $7,000. However, Benschop said, the price list at the booth identified the toll for a vehicle such as his as $4,000. hmmm

“I decided to use the ferry instead since it was specified that only trucks would be allowed to continue using the service… the description on my vehicle’s registration clearly states that it is a pick-up truck but I was denied entry to the ferry,” Benschop explained.
Benschop then decided to return to the bridge and was subsequently told that the toll was $13,600. “I couldn’t understand how this was so because only minutes before the booth attendant had said that the cost to cross was $7,000,” Benschop said. haha Mr. Benschop's car probably grew a few inches or kilograms.

According to Samaroo, many citizens drive goods transporting vehicles as a “luxury item” and are only realizing the grouping of such vehicles when faced with the toll. In the first instance when Benschop would have been charged $7,000, the CEO explained, he would have been undercharged due to human error.

But in all honesty he is driving around town in a swooped up/ pimped out truck lately. Which in my mind spells nothing but trouble. According to Samaroo who phrased it politely , cars are deemed Luxury items.

So I understand why the attendant therefore saw it fit to price the item accordingly. hhahah I just keeping it real.

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