Friday, July 4, 2008

Wolford Avenue "lime"

Apparently Wolford Avenue was the place "not to be" last week. I wanted to halt my tongue on this but I decided not to. Since virtually nothing has come out of this incident which occurred almost a week ago. As always each paper printed various versions of the truth but the outlining facts are the same. A sitting magistrate shoots a cop - in the process of doing his job. After shooting the on duty cop he drives away from the scene of the crime and he committed this act with an alleged unlicensed firearm. With all these facts holding through, why is he still out and about and still in possession of the firearm? It is quite obvious he was up to no good in the dark on that night but whether it was to "release water" or to "release other things," that is his damn business but I still don't buy his story. No man turns off the route he is going, to go into a deserted area and turn off the car to pee. Who does that!!!!! you leave the car running. He was let off the hook once before,for the famous wild west shooting in the 80's on Sussex street, killing a pregnant woman.This sounds to me like absolute corruption,abuse and misuse of power.

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