Wednesday, July 23, 2008

In with the "Geezers, " Out with the " Young boys"

There is a new phenomenon in Guyana where young girls in their 20’s are only looking to date " geezers" who are rich and influential in our society. It seems like these young girls are starting to show this opportunist tendency from the time they complete high school at age 16 or 17. However I am not going to judge these girls, since I've noticed they are able to acquire big old cars, house, diamonds and pearls without having to work a normal 9 to 5, like some of us. The smart ones who use their brains and milk the old geezer for all he's got, actually end up with Masters and high flying jobs. Pimp Pimp Girls!!!

1 comment:

Guyana Media Critic said...

Yeh, i have a friend who met a girl who was having relations with a 60 year old guy.

Donno if the glamour makes up for things that no longer get up. More evidence of us followin the merican way of life.