Wednesday, July 16, 2008

We have to " Notify"

A friend of mine upon reading of the "Woolford Avenue Scandal" said " In our communities there should be a notification campaign whenever we have members of the Sodom and Gomorrah clan around us. In an effort to safe guard citizens, family, loved ones, and our young boy and girl children, fliers should be posted on lightening posts, coconut trees and minibuses when members of the "clan" move into our neighborhoods. " A few of my friends had a field day with this, rolling with laughter. However I am all for equality and freedom to express ones individuality and sexuality. But this notify system is in full swing, in the US, most communities get notified when a rapist or pedophile moves into their neighborhood. But putting up fliers if a man decides to come out of the " Closet " may be over doing the do.

1 comment:

rtg said...

Yeah, I think posting pictures of lesbians and gays on light poles would be a very bad idea.

It doesn't protect society from real sex offenders (pedophiles) because homosexuals aren't pedophiles; it endangers people who are homosexual by encouraging some of Guyana's "haters" to hurt homosexuals.

As a side note, "Sodom and Gomorrah" references aren't very fair. In that story, God punishes Sodom's people for attempting to molest God's messengers, who are angels, not men. I find it funny, too, that no one ever talks about the fact that Lot offers his daughters to the men of the city to be f*cked, and that the Bible says nothing about that being wrong. I guess what I am saying is that people use the stories of Sodom against gay people take that story out of context.