Friday, August 29, 2008

Guyana's cleanup campaign

Guyana's clean up campaign that begun a week before CARIFSTA.Had a humorous side to it.
While driving along the East Bank road/ highway two weeks ago, I noticed men diligently planting seedlings along side the center barrier. Now I not too sure if they expected them to grow in time for carifesta but they really and truly not making any sense. They better be careful the highway pedestrians ( cows, donkeys and horses) don't start to nibble on them. And the variety of plants, is also in question they look like suspect Bush.. I don't know how they expect people to cross these roads safely with big ass bushes blocking their vision. And it is only the other day they were quarreling about how many road accidents occurring on this Highway. What do you expect if the government putting obstacles to block peoples vision while driving, we already got pedestrians to swerve from everyday. Nice small, short, non bushy flowers would do the trick , if they wanted the place to look colorful and carifetaish. I just saying.....

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