Monday, August 25, 2008

"Rupee a Disappointment"

Rupee was a hott ass mess. I was so disappointed, I didn't know what to say or think about his performance. Lawd, he come out boring as hell, bussing one set of notes on stage, he start singing other artiste songs, and then he attempted to dance and looked like a white chicken in heat. Actually I retract that statement, he look more like a chunky ass white cow trying to dance. He packed on a few pounds since the last time I had seen him. Then to make it worse, he left his jacket closed the entire night, I know his ass was burning up like a pig in that outfit. Sweating bullets , he end up taking pictures with people and got a towel around him to wipe off all that sweat. What does he expect, if he got on a blasted winter jacket (zipped up all night) in the tropics. Rupee need to stop singing century old songs and start working on new ones. Lame ass....... picture above shows Rupee attempting to dance.

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